Soap nuts 1kg
Soap nuts are the husks of the dried fruit of the Sapindus tree, a tropical tree relaated to the lychee tree. It is native to India, south America, tropical parts of USA (Hawaii, Florida) and parts of Asia and the pacific.
It is prized for its high saponin fruit, it is known as a natural soap.
You will also need: A small cloth or mesh bag
How to use as laundry detergent:
- Place a tablespoon of the husks in a mesh or net bag, tie or zip the bag closed and place it in your wash instead of detergent.
- Once wash is complete, retrieve the bag of husks, squeeze out the excess liquid and place on the windowsill to dry.
- They can be reused a number of times until they no longer produce suds
- At end of life, simply pop them in the compost and refill the bag with fresh husks.
Other uses:
- DIY liquid detergent - dishes, car washing, hard surface cleaner
- Wetting agent in the garden
Other names: soap berries, soapberries, soap nut shells, wash shells, soapberry nut husk, Chinese soapberry
Check your Council page to see if there are rebateson this product in your area.
If your council does not offer rebates on this product, purchases of this product do not count towards your rebate spend minimum.
This product is designed to help you reduce the need for single use items.
With a little care and cleaning, oyu will get many years of use.
Many items can be recycled at end of life, others can be composted or repurposed. Contact us if you are unsure what to do to keep this item out of landfill at the end of its functional life.